
Does My Toyota’s AC Need Attention

It’s the fall and you know what that means – the temperature is going to start changing before you know it. The kids are already back in school, and it won’t be long before the leaves start turning, and the thermometer begins dropping lower and lower. Your Toyota’s AC made it through the hot summer months, but now with the change in the weather, will it be able to stand up to heating your car through the winter? Here are some signs you need to get your Toyota’s AC checked out before the coming colder temperatures.

Weak Air Stream

If your AC was still blowing cold over the summer, but you noticed that it didn’t seem to be blowing as hard as you remember, you might have an AC problem worth getting checked out. This problem typically occurs when there are issues with the fans in the system, so if you feel like your AC doesn’t have the force behind it that it once did, give us a call.

Wrong Temperature Air

If your AC is blowing hot when it’s supposed to be cooling you off, or vice versa, there is definitely an issue with your car’s AC. It could be a lack of refrigerant, or it could be a malfunction with one of the various components of the system. The only way to know for sure is to let us take a look!

It’s Been Awhile

When was the last time you had your AC looked at? Most auto repair shops recommend having the AC serviced twice a year, so if you can’t remember your last ac check-up, you are probably due for one.

Make An Appointment

If you want your Toyota’s AC to comfortably get you through the fall and winter, bring it to us for a quick AC check-up. The weather will be cold before you know it, so make an appointment today!

Photo by coffeekai from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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