- Great option if you can pay off in 90 days
- Soft credit pull
- High approvals if you have lack of credit or lower credit scores
- $50 Fee https://bit.ly/Koalifi90daysnointerest
- Synchrony Car Care
- This is a credit card, so it will be a hard credit inquiry on your credit
- 6-12 months no interest
- This is an excellent option to always have a line of credit for car repairs. https://gosyf.com/3RVnntK
- Financing from $500-$25,000
- APRs from 0%-35.9%
- Terms from 3-60 Months
- No Prepayment Penalties, Origination Fees or compounding interest
- See exactly what you’ll pay right from the start
- Choose the monthly payment that works best for you
- Checking eligibility doesn’t impact your credit score